瑠璃色(ruriiro)の連なる i を重ねて ruriro(ルリロ)という言葉が生まれました。

ruriro (ルリロ) is a coined word by overlapping two “i”s into one from
瑠璃色(ruriiro, lapis lazuli blue).
ruriro has a gallery space for exhibitions by artists from different genres and events, an hourly rental space for small meetings and gatherings, and a cozy small cafe.
The space is part of a detached house with natural light coming in all day, and the light changes by time and weather of a day.
We provide an opportunity to give a thought to the relationship between people and nature, and society through art. Various events in the original perspective are provided such as exhibitions of traditional cultures and handworks and experiential events, so that wider range of people beyond age could enjoy.